Positive Moon

Paradise is Possible by any means necessary

My Statement on Palestine

I stand with the people of Palestine, and against the mass genocide of the Palestinian people.

I condemn our government for not calling for an immediate ceasefire to the inhumane attacks on civilians in Gaza. I condemn the UN and Red Cross for not addressing the emergency.

Everyday the death toll is rising, every single hour more innocent children are bombed out of their homes, many losing their lives and being left crushed under the rubble.

This is a genocide and any news platform, government or individual who is not calling for an immediate ceasefire is complicit in the rising death toll. Shame on you all.
To boycott products is a non-violent form of resistance that aims to put significant economic pressure on the Israeli government until they comply with international law and end discriminatory policies towards Palestinians.

I am boycotting a number of products, this is not a new thing for me. I know that boycotting works. Boycotting has shown in the past the injustices of human rights violations to others can be challenged by boycotting products. Together we have the power, we are the consumers, choose products that care.



Stop the War ORG UK

Follow news on Palestine from inside Gaza, do not rely on western media to tell you the truth:
Bisan – 25 year old female Palestinian storyteller

Motaz Azaiza Palestinian press